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You can contact me @ Please please send any creations made with my stuff to this email and I will put it up on my blog with a link to yours as well! :)
You are free to use my kits in your tutorials but you must direct them to here in order to download. All my kits are for personal use only, please do not claim them as your own or edit them and sell them individually as your own. I would love to see any creations you make with my kits, you can email them to Thanks!

Scrap It Studio
Scrap It Studio is the place to go for unique, one of a kind kits, cu products, designer and advertising services! Take a look today!
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Disclaimer for Blog Layouts
I am going to make this clear to everyone again. Getting paid to do a blog layout and using ANY artist's tube from any company is a huge NO NO. Anyone who dos blogs should know this. I am and will ALWAYS be copyright compliant. Just because I have a blog service and I DO do paid blogs through that they are the ones that have NO tube what so ever on them. I DO do free blogs for my friends because for various reasons sometimes I get tired of doing blogs with no tubes is one since this is most of what I do in PSP now a days. IF you see a blog that I have done and it does have a tube in it I did it for free. Thanks and I thought this was cleared up months ago. Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't get paid for layouts that has tubes in them.
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Friday, November 30, 2012

Two new CU4CU products

I have two new Cu4Cu products for sale in my stores check them out for details. Both is a template but winter paper 01 is a script as well. Enjoy and I will be back later today for a freebie blog train! Oh yeah also all my ptu products are on sale for .75c limited time only ;) 



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